Another big spider. In reality these are only about two inches accross.
There are many big spiders around my place. I used a cheap macro lense to get these. You can tell the lense is cheap because the depth of field is so narrow.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Team Roping
Team Roping
Team Roping
These shots are 'rescue' shots. It was too dark to take normal photos, so I boosted the ISO, opened the apature wide, and set the exposure to 1/50th of a second. After that I lightened things up and cropped with EOS Viewer and Photo Shop.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I need an edge, a theme, something new. I take nice photos, but that's it-- they are only nice. What to do next? People have suggested something Mapplethorpish, but I'm not sure I want to go that far. If you have a suggestion, then leave a comment.
Yet another waterfall made pretty thanks to a one second exposure.
The I-90 from underneath.
Out by the Alpine Lakes. In infra-red
Out by the Alpine lakes.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Lake Union at night
Lake Union Infra Red.
Lake Union.
Gasworks park.
This was a bad attempt to get some color into an other wise grey view.
Fall has hit Seatte. The grey is back. Fortunatly, the sun still peaks behind the clouds. These photos were taken from Greg and Chad's place.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I sometimes photograph art and nicknacks for Mark. I don't enjoy taking these photos as much as candids. With a candid I capture some emotion-- something special that I want to remember. The art photos, while attractive, don't do that for me. A candid captures a moment I may never see again. Photos of art capture beauty that is better perceived by actually looking at the art.